2 Souls and a Wedding!

When we performed Good News tonight, Cheyenne and Rudie acted out a salvation scene brilliantly. it was easy to step in and extend that invitation to the audience. When we have altar calls it is always a case of asking the question: "Will you make Jesus the Lord of your life today, and let Him heal your broken heart?" And then waiting to let the Holy Spirit do His work of conviction. one lady put up her hand and responded, came forward and then another friends bringing friends to Jesus - a beautiful sight - exactly why we produced Good News. When I spoke to the new convert afterwards, she introduced me to her fiance who recently gave his heart to the Lord at Church. his brimming smile said it all. They want to get married in January on a beach, and of course that would be a pleasure for us to organize! Some other souls followed suit. We also prayed for healing in some lives too. Praise God!
Well done to Morne and Adel Van Wyk for bringing their friends to the production, but not only that - to Jesus. Those friends in Christ are for life.
The cast and crew of Good News should realize how valuable their performances were tonight and understand that this is just the beginning of the massive impact this production will have on the lives of so many broken hearts around the world. Keep going team - it is awesome working with you!
Thanks to Yvette and Magdel who set up a beautiful display in the foyer that made all feel welcome in Church. To Eric Collins, man I really could not have realized the fulfillment of the visions without your practical solution for the lamps, and more! Thanks to all the harvesters from Milnerton who helped us set up and usher tonight - you have a share in every soul reached. Thank You Jesus that Your Good News continues!


  1. I would just like to start off by thanking Aje, Prophet Nola, Apostle Andre and Harvester Church. After what happened this evening I'm sitting thinking to myself how could I have lived my life so long without Jesus?! What the church has done for my life in the short 3 weeks I have been with the church is no doubt miracle after miracle! As the lady that raised her hand tonight I am so glad I did and am blessed to be part of such a wonderful church. As for the Good News Production? A standing ovation from me! It was absolutely amazing! Thank you once again!

  2. Wonderful to read! Wonderful! With love from all at Halifax Harvester, Yorkshire, England.


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