MBC Mbekweni - young lions graduate

I was with Apostle Andre in the late 90's when he planted the Church in Wellington. The local pastor we sent there to carry on with the work basically stole the church for himself and never restored relationship with home base. But I heard these words once when driving to Mbekweni - a district of Wellington: "Doubly Fruitful".

It is here where Pastor Mqokilele "Actor" Mtanga and Pastor Malibongwe Gibisela have started two very interesting works, both relating to Harvester International Ministries.

While Pastor Mtanga is running the local Community Centre and holding Church meetings there on Sundays, Pastor Malibongwe has reached out to the youth of the local school. There are former tik  (drug) addicts and also top students that have dedicated their lives to the Lord and more impressively, studied the Word formerly utilizing the Miracle Bible College Curriculum. I was very honoured to speak at their Graduation where the average member of the church is under 20! One could hear from their testimonies that they had apostolic frequency and were ready to turn the world upside down. With a little training and wisdom, this could very well happen!

Below are the graduates from 2011 who completed the weekly MBC course, we handed them their certificates and the joy in their faces was unforgettable. I have dubbed them the young lions with their fiery pastor who has faced tremendous odds yet still roars out for Jesus in an area where witchcraft and false doctrines are prominent. Keep roaring guys! The Lion of the tribe of Judah is with you!
 The Lord prompted me to give the Top Student Nosipho Sithembile a Bursary for full time studies at MBC in 2015 - that's the year after she finishes school!

Now we can raise the R20 000 it costs to put someone through MBC and send them on their mission for Christ. Tonight we are graduating the rest of the students world wide who have completed their studies for 2011. Congratulations to all of you who have studied the Word to show yourself approved of God, thoroughly equipped for every good work!.

Take courage from former MBC student Pastor Malibongwe (1998-1999) who now rents a church venue for R150 a month and graduates students annually, the picture below is where they are having a campaign next week! Well done brother!


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