Take God's Presence to the Schools

It was a clear commission for me, because I saw myself in a dream sitting in a class room praying in tongues with children. God spoke to my heart and said: "Take My presence to the Schools." The biggest mistake governments around the world have made was to take the Bible out of the schools, since then kids have lost their moral compass and the education system has continued a downward spiral into the abyss of atheism and lawlessness. That's why it's amazing that  a local school in our vicinity has opened its doors for ministry over and over again since we first ministered there in the 90's. The local teacher heads up the Christian group and invites us once a term to work with the kids.  Last week we took a team of eager young Bible College students who ministered like seasoned veterans when the kids responded to the call of "Who wants to have the Holy Spirit?" 12 souls were save to God's glory and many kids were filled in the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Well done to the music team who took the school of worship into the community, and thereby taking God's Presence to the school, fulfilling the prophecy. Apostle Leigh and teacher Chantal both taught well and then demonstrated worship through music and dance and new songs birthed in our Church in various genres was welcomed by the youngsters. I taught on Spirit rhythms.
My father, Apostle Andre Pelser, reminded me that he toured most of the schools in Transvaal and the Free State when I was a toddler, at the age of Zoe my toddler - who also danced in unison with Leigh! (I will edit a clip of this later!) I toured with my parents as they acted out Shakespeare for TRUK and SUKOVS (Performing Arts Departments of Transvaal and Free State University) and later in the Dylan Show, so I have been visiting schools since the beginning and now God is opening doors for me to continue. We all felt so sure about NOT going to entertain the kids, but to really show them how to worship God, using prophet Nola Pelser's key to teach, demonstrate and expose people to worship - it really works and there was such a calm atmosphere in which many children opened up there hearts and responded to the love of Jesus Christ. Praise God!


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