Big Belly Junction News

Big Belly Junction News
Good news from big Belly Junction, in Soul Clinic, Paynesville Liberia:
At home with the Roberts Family

Well behaved kids while I teach 3 sessions a day!

This is the building to be used for free in Bright Farm

Acting out Man Born Blind - spit and dust and some water!

Praying for healing

Apostle Emmanuel Nyan Roberts prays over the couple planting a church in Bright Farm
Miracle Bible College Satellite set up in the local "Soul Harvester Ministries - Faithful Worship Centre" run by Apostle Emmanuel Nyan Roberts. His second name means second born in his native tongue. I also met a 6th born man. There are 16 tribes in Liberia, each with their own distinct trade and characteristics, like the Kru tribe that fish the waters on the coast. Large cotton trees serve as landmarks in the rural areas and towns grow around them. Firestone has large plantations of rubber trees that serve as the natural resource for tyres. We went to a plantation where there was a village called Bright Farm, the men coming and going trucks to harvest the rubber, they cut angled patterns in the bark and the sap is collected and then processed by Firestone. We preached there and prayed over a couple to start the church,  and we walked through the whole village as a team, witnessing and inviting people to the church plant - which happened the next day. What was impressive about God's divine orchestration of events, was that the previous Wednesday we prayed for a lady who was 10 months pregnant in Big Belly junction and asked God for the baby to be delivered. How wonderful that the baby was born on the same Sunday the Church was started in Bright Farm. So there is a network of 4 churches relating to us in Liberia with a central training Bible College for future missions into the interior. Apostle Emmanuel and his family are on fire for God and he has a real David's heart to do all God's will, he plays his conga drum and sings and the church really dance and praise God from the heart - good times with new brothers and sisters! Thanks to the Harvester International Ministries Partners for sponsoring this mission costly, yet fruitful mission.


  1. Praise the Lord for apostles, and praise the Lord for the fulfillment of Romans 10:14 - 15.
    My heart is bursting with the work the Holy Spirit is doing in nations and the lives of people and in churches.
    Thank you for going where God sends you, it injects faith into the hearts of others to pray and prepare to go also.

  2. This is Gods heart!People!Lord bless you Apostle


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