Prophetic Acting releases God's Power

I practically grew up on stage travelling with my parents while they were performing the Dylan Show throughout South Africa. But I did not think that I would act on stage like my Dad. God gave Andre the concept of Acting Prophecy through tongues and interpretation one day, and he eventually wrote a thesis about it, it is available from Pelser Media if you would like to read the summarized version. Apostle Andre and Nola have written, directed and performed various Productions like: "The Gospel Plough" (Market Theatre) the Dylan show (Baxter Theatre Cape Town.) and "The Prisoners" (Brisbane Australia); "Job the Musical" (Cape Town) and they have seen many souls saved as a result. When the opportunity presented itself, I decided to write a play that would summarize some of the actual miracles we have seen in ministry over the years. The plot unfolds through the eyes of Stella, a promising journalist that goes through her training with flying colours and then...