Prophetic Acting releases God's Power

I practically grew up on stage travelling with my parents while they were performing the Dylan Show throughout South Africa. But I did not think that I would act on stage like my Dad. God gave Andre the concept of Acting Prophecy through tongues and interpretation one day, and he eventually wrote a thesis about it, it is available from Pelser Media if you would like to read the summarized version. Apostle Andre and Nola have written, directed and performed various Productions like: "The Gospel Plough" (Market Theatre) the Dylan show (Baxter Theatre Cape Town.) and "The Prisoners" (Brisbane Australia); "Job the Musical" (Cape Town) and they have seen many souls saved as a result. When the opportunity presented itself, I decided to write a play that would summarize some of the actual miracles we have seen in ministry over the years. The plot unfolds through the eyes of Stella, a promising journalist that goes through her training with flying colours and then gets traumatized by the scenes of murder she has to report. Her healing and journey towards the Good News in life takes the audience from continent to continent, miracle to miracle and leads to a place of healing. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.

In Bellville, the Lord helped us to save souls on the streets and on the stage. In one scene the gift of the Spirit called the Word of Knowledge reveals deep hurts and allows the healing process to begin in Stella's life. By prophetically acting out God's healing process, members of the audience saw how it works and a lady came forward for the healing of her broken heart. God revealed details about her hurts and trauma that none of us knew about and the lady really was refreshed by the Holy Spirit, crying profusely and speaking powerfully in tongues. Many people received ministry along those lines and we praise God for touching lives. A boy said his pain left his back when prayed for in Jesus' name. A young man gave his life to the Lord and I found out that he was one of the Performer's best friends - there was big celebration. We thank the Lord for using us to build His Church and allowing the world to see what God can do through dedicated artists. We would like to minister to the masses of Cape Town, and get them to see the Product in of Good News free of charge. We are trusting God to work in people's hearts to support this ministry in any way.

Street Lamps awake!

Daily Traffic only sees bad news.

Aje Pelser sings the Good News!

Superb Mime Performance by Pastor Derrick Davids - the Herald of Good News

Arthur Eiseb and  lead actress Cheyenne Junior (Stella)

Thanks for the multi-media JP!

Upmarket Scene where Stella tells her friends about her calling.

Prophet Lynette Collins choreographed with Apostle Leigh Collins Great Job!

Gift Matabese acts out the deliverance of the Mad Man

Bellville Audiences responded well most nights!

Stella gets the message!

Ben Unsworth testifies!

Cherie Pelser dances for Jesus!

Pastor Derrick Davids in the Missionary scene

Ministering to the audience members

Magdel Burger explains the Gospel to the Deaf Audience 

Great to be a part of this Team of Good News Heralds! Well done !
We have confirmed another performance in a local high school on the 7th of September where we can reach a few hundred more kids for Jesus. Members in our Church are looking into Kyalitsha for a performance soon as well. I have asked Gift Matabese to prepare his testimony in Xhosa. Thanks to Pastor Jean-Pierre Uys for the photos - awesome work as always! Glory to Jesus for using our humble sacrifice to show His power!


  1. Thank You Jesus! May the doors continue to open as we share and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!


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