Lift up the name of Jesus! |
Final Preparations. |
Jacqueline Louw has excelled as one of the senior dancers |
If you wanna get saved raise your hand...! |
"So who also wants to give their life to Jesus?" That's the altar call today! So simple after a whole play that preaches the Gospel of Jesus' Good News to our generation. There is a scene in Good News where the character gives their life to Jesus and confesses his Lordship. The cast and crew have included their personal testimonies in the script and shared it with many audiences over the last year. Today, Arthur really spoke into the hearts and minds of the kids at De Grendel School, in Milnerton near our Church. it was so easy! When God works it normally is easier than when we try to reach people. God anointed His Word in the Production and kids responded - they not only put up their hands and came forward they climbed up on stage and we needed just about all the cast members to help pray for them.
Young people were filled with God's Spirit and spoke in tongues. The one girl had some curses broken over her life, things people had said, possible witchcraft, and tears were flowing from her eyes. Pray in tongues we said, and she replied but I can't sir! The Holy Spirit gave us boldness: "Breathe in and when you breathe out think about God and make new sounds and speak to God not to me." Her mind was swept out of the way and you could actually see her confidence grow and she soon started to speak confidently in tongues - her faith being built up to face life with Jesus on her side. Glory to God!
But why is the yoke easy? I think it has a lot to do with the sacrifice of people in the team, the dedication of the performers, the faithfulness of the technical crew, the local teacher Elfrieda who opens the door for us to minister at the school so often over the last two decades at her Friday CSV gathering. There are many facets to ministry and together we all accomplish more. We follow up through the teacher in the school and give her all the names of the souls saved. they meet weekly in the hall where we performed today. Jesus paid a great price for his easy yoke we now take, and the anointing of His Holy Spirit is so powerful - it breaks the oppression in every life. Thank You Jesus! Contact us office@harvesterchurch.org.za or ajepelser@gmail.com and invite us to perform at your School or local community hall.
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