Tonight made me Cry

What a privilege to work with this year's cast and crew. We realized that last night was our 13th Good News performance and it happened in 2013! A whole bunch of kids gave their hearts to the Lord on the first night as well as a young man coming back to Jesus. A lady in church brought two of her friends to the Good News Production at Harvester Reformational Church, Cape Town and one got saved, the other lady expressed her desire to come back to church again. When I asked them what spoke to them from the play, they said the scene where the main character faced anxiety - Stella's trauma scene. In the storyline the lead role of Stella was interpreted brilliantly by Michelle Louw, 1st year MBC student. God has helped Michelle deal with trauma in her family too after a gruesome car accident losing her sister and father in the process. I believe her suffering has developed a depth in her character beyond her years. Audience members that responded to the call for prayer and healing said "Tonight made me cry..." What makes the event so real is that we write current testimonies and news into the script and Arthur Eiseb stood up and testified about God healing his spine in the past. We then prayed for a whole row of people who had injured spines of some sort last night, the acting prophecy continuing. At church today Hilton testified of back pain healed - another person merely cried and said she did not know exactly how, but God did something in her heart.
When you see people thanking God with tears in their eyes it makes you want to produce some more Good News - maybe some new productions in the near future.
There is a tremendous anointing released through dedicated artists and performers who consecrate their gifts and talents to Jesus and focus every energy to spread the Good News!

I also had the opportunity to perform alongside my brother Hilton Pelser, also 1st year MBC student and we had a few good laughs in the process - he reminded me before the curtain up to make the announcements - which I totally forgot about! Yvette is in America now and she used to do that! I think I'll get the Canadian Jean-Pierre Joubert to make a recording for future performances!
Pastor Samson Ngwira of Harvester Khyalitsha excelled in several Roles including this one of a Mad Man delivered from tormenting spirits.

Ben Unsworth hands the Bible to the Mad Man

Choreographer and Lead Dancer prophet Lynette Collins in action

Angels and Demons contest for Stella's soul - "Seeing in the Spirit" dance

Hilton Pelser and Michelle Louw were a good combination.

Raquel Lombana focusses during performance

Michelle Louw as Stella the Reporter

Village Scene showing the daily strife of war-torn Africa

Newspapers need more Good News

The Professor with Stella the top performing Journalist student

Hospital scene where we enact a miracle of a boy healed of AIDS

Front Centre - Arthur Eiseb is the most energetic and acrobatic dancer to ever grace the Harvester Stage!


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