Art of a Missionary & Son Auction

Before we knew it, we were holding art exhibitions together, Dad and I, for the last few Missionary Art Auctions in aid of global missions. So why not reach the rest of the nations of the world in one lifetime? After reaching a 100 nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have started to realize what my job is - to follow up the nations reached and go and build those spiritual cities with resources, support and new Godly Church structures. In order to reform the land, we first need to reform the church. In many African countries for instance, we often see a large majority of people serving God at church, yet the country is steeped in corruption and men build equally distorted church kingdoms behaving like chiefs with their congregations. There are of course many wonderful churches too that resemble Christ in a many membered body, but that is as rare as a road in Africa. When I asked apostle Andre in his capacity as a pioneer in African missions, what Africa really needed - he said t...