Apostles Brothers and Sons on Stage

The fact that we actually had apostles and apostles’ sons working in this production is quite interesting. Working through 2 Corinthians this term and creating a new subject manual for Miracle Bible College was actually part of my process as an actor. Every actor on stage was encouraged to write a short character biography for each role they played. Discovering more about the Saul - Paul transformation helped to plot the graph of my character and relate to the interplay between mentor and protégé.
Hilton is a wonderful actor on stage and his emotional intelligence and ability to react to different situations live really added to the whole production.
Apostle Leigh Collins excelled with his dancer prophet wife Lynette – who admitted that it was the first time she danced on the show – made the whole story come to life with multiple art forms including dancing, mime and an African gum boot stomp routine!
My own Dad is an apostle so I had no problem playing Silas over a decade ago.
But now I had to play the mentor which is a reflection of my own journey into apostleship. I have now been sent on various solo missions and had to face different forms of hardship and glory with varying levels of response from preachers and their churches. God has also showed his provision for missionary trips through art auctions among other things – we are having one this weekend in Durbanville!
As Dean of Studies at Miracle Bible College I have trained and equipped many and sent them off on their missions – many of whom are running their own churches and bible colleges
with our curriculum. Executive Coaching is part of my job description now and patience has become a key. Seeing the character Paul show patience throughout the Prisoners Production gave me a chuckle a few times, reflecting on my own impatience in earlier years and then thanking God for moments of Divine patience more recently while having to handle the growing pains of a new galaxy of churches.
The conversation between Paul and Silas in the plane where Silas asks about signs and wonders:
“You mean by your hands?” The seasoned apostle’s reply is matter of fact, Apostle Andre told me to tell it like a conversation without too much dramatization, because as he also has experienced, signs and wonders are all around: “Yes, just as He (Jesus) said He would in His Word, these signs shall follow those who believe. In My Name they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. They shall speak with new tongues. They shall cast out demons in My Name – these things are real Silas.”
Praise God for confirming His Word on the night – we had a good response from people who wanted to be free from different sorts of prisons – resulting in repentance, deliverance and healing. It was great to see kids bring their friends to the front for prayer and for lost sheep returning to the fold – thank You Jesus! You came to set the captives free! These things are real… Silas!


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