Good News for Bellville!

When teenagers start handing out hundreds of flyers to complete strangers in the streets of Bellville, you have to acknowledge that God is at work. "Your sons and your daughters will prophesy" is part of the benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. it also includes the power to be a witness for Jesus and spread ht Good news that he has died for our sins and that he rose form the dead to enforce His victory over death and hell. Jesus is building His Church and the gates of "bell vill" not prevail, I mean the gates of hell will not prevail!
Well done to Pastor Billy Strauss for organizing the battle plan and Pastor Jean-Pierre Uys from the Tygerberg area for getting people to take off a few hours to reach the lost and invite people from the highways and byways of Voortrekker, Durban and Bill Bezuidenhout roads. Prophet Celeste prayed prophetically and sparked off the outreach yesterday. What a great group of students that are eager and not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks to Magdel Burger who helped coordinate the Maintenance crew. Thanks to the Maintenance crew Louw Haasbroek and Eric Collins for getting the posters done in time - Shjoe! We got posters up where thousands of people shop everyday, and God gave us favour with several business owners, whom we have also invited to the production. People were prayed for and told about God's love and one lady started confessing how naughty she was! She said that she could not attend because she lived in Paarl, so I told her that we are starting a Bible Cell there soon - you can't hide - turn to the living God! If you drive through Bellville centre this week you will see Good News on the lamp posts and shop windows, pray for the cast, the technical crew, the souls that will be saved! Good News - help us share it and spread it!


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