What a wonderful year it has been and after reaching many countries as a ministry for Jesus, we have a great opportunity to reach ... BELLVILLE! While driving on the N1 during December last year, the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me about producing Good News at the Bellville Civic Centre. We booked it by faith and yesterday we had a site meeting to discuss how to incorporate some new scenes and exciting multi-media additions. Pastor Jean-Pierre Uys is overseeing the brand new Church Area of Tygerberg and his team will help us a great deal in the next few weeks. He has also prepared some awesome new footage in the Village scene that I can't tell you too much about - TOP SECRET STUFF.
Last night Marco Meyer did his debut recording for Pelser Media and I enjoyed working with him for the new soundtrack entitled "Seeing in the Spirit" we celebrated close to midnight with some Brazilian Coffee - after 10 hours in Rolf Pearson's M& M Studios yesterday he is allowed to sleep late this morning so don't phone him please!
The Lord told me about the production yesterday: "You will get many people saved" so let's pray that prophecy into being!
We all have an opportunity to reach souls with Good News, on 30th July we meet at the Bellville Civic Centre at 14h00 Lord Willing to put up the posters in Voortrekker while evangelizing the streets with Tracts and flyers in teams. All Harvesters welcome! We also appeal to Harvesters everywhere to think about sponsoring the event, our budget is bigger in a larger venue and we believe more people will receive the message than before. Contact the number on the poster for any support in contributions or if you would like to attend the evangelism days on the 30th of July and 3rd of August.
We all can't wait so thanks in advance for your support and help us share it and spread it... Good News about Jesus Christ!


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